Thursday 1 March 2007

Questionnaire Results

Here are the persona results of our questionnaire:




Notes and Evaluation
  • An important part of our design must focus on how to encourage users such as Derek to use at least the bare minimum of the system, who have no confidence with technology and do not see their doctor often.
  • Inversely, the system also needs to be able to handle the needs of Fiona-esque users, who would demand a lot more functionality.
  • The results for previous use of technology are mixed. It is unlikely that many advantages would be gained from relying on familiarity with computer icons or menus, and more intuitive interfaces should be used.
  • All personas already have some form of security in their home. Our brainstorm mentioned that security could be integrated into our idea, but this could be an optional feature if users already have security.
  • The personas had trouble understanding some of the questions, in particular, the questions using a scale of 1-10. It was not clear how the scale worked, and in hindsight the questions could have been more descriptive.
  • Question 14 could have been worded slightly better, as the use of "always" in some options tended to confuse the respondants, as they wanted to say that they sometimes did an option.
  • Questions 5 and 12 could have been clearer with the options, as there was too much grey area not covered.

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