Saturday, 3 March 2007

Prototype 3


The monitoring device like the other prototypes is to be a watch; its functionality to the user will simply be a watch, which tells the time:
Behind the scenes the watch will have the ability to monitor the users heart rate/pulse.The watch will have a GPRS transmitter, which is connected to the black box, the black box will store the information transmitted by the watch. So it stores the users heart rate/pulse over time and there location.

The system will have software with the following capabilities:

· Ability to learn users daily movement pattern
· Ability to learn users heart rate pattern
· Ability to identify unusual activity

This will enable the software to detect whether the user has suffered a heart attack, fall etc. For instance if there is no movement for an unusual amount of time and the heart rate is critical or even gone then the system should detect this and notify the emergency services. The ability to learn users daily patterns should mean that if it is 1 am and there is a lack of movement then the system should know that this regularly occurs at this time, as the user is asleep.

Inputting/Viewing/Sending Data:

To input data such as weight, calories eaten, blood sugar levels etc, which have to be read using devices, which are not provided by the system, I propose that we use a touch screen pad as an input device.This is intended to enable the user to interact with the system as intuitively as possible using simple and minimal menu options:

The First Screen:

The screen has 3 simple options representing all options, which are available to the user. The options are colour coded and the colour scheme is carried out through the program.

Inputting Data:

The input option screen is green as this was the colour of the input option. Again we have simple options, which describe what the user is trying to input.

The input screen:

Depending on which option selected there will be text, numbers or both. Here we are inputting weight and so we have numbers and keeping with the colour scheme weight is orange and so the screen is orange.

The display shows what the user has typed. When the save button is pressed the data is saved to the system.

Sending Data:

The sending option screen is yellow as this was the colour of the send option. Again we have simple options, which describe what the user is trying to send.

The send screen:

Simple options, which consist of who the user wants to send the information to, software sends the required information to the chosen recipient.

The screen here is white as the user has selected to send their heart rate.

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