Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Use Case Webpage

For the MSc Internet Workshop module we have been given very useful instructions on writing use cases for software in more detail than you would get with a use case diagram. Although the page uses this specification in a more technical context, I think this could easily be adapted for our project, and is particularly useful in documenting at which stages in a task an elderly person may have problems. e.g. UTOPIA Project video:

Name: Installing a webcam driver
Initiator: Elderly woman
Goal: Given a webcam, a PC and a set of instructions, set up the webcam so that user can talk to her relatives.

Main Success Scenario:
1. Turn computer on
2. Log in
3. Place webcam CD into CD drive
4. etc

Potential Issues:
1. User cannot find the power button
2. User has forgotten their password
3. User does not know how to open CD drive
3b. User does not know which way the CD goes
4. etc

This method could also be applied using our personas as different initiators, thus possibly creating different issues.

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